I like long strolls down the Target discount aisles buying things I don’t need, anything Iced Coffee, and fresh tacos. I can also make a killer margarita, and I have a weird obsession for craft beers (specifically IPA’s). While I’d much rather be sitting on a beach or exploring mountains or forests, I call the midwest my home.
I’m not the type to just show up, take a few photos, and call it good. Nope! That has never been me at all. I’m NOT that photographer. We will laugh, I will tell cheesy jokes that make you belly laugh, and we will hang out and make some magic.
Let’s go wayyyy back…to 1998. Yep! I’m that age, soon to be 38 years old. A true millenial, the era of the origins of social media. We were the generation that grew up at the beginning of the internet. I was in high school when they started offering film photography as an elective. So I thought, why not? But you see, I was not one of those photographers who picked up a camera as a child and knew that’s what they’d be. I wanted to be a fashion designer, that’s actually what I initially went to college for. After high school, I moved to North Carolina for a few years and entered the workforce, mainly doing factory work. That was until 2008, when I got laid off due to the factory closing. THAT is when I began to pursue photography, and it just stuck!
facebook: www.facebook.com/thestorytellercollective
website: www.storyteller-collective.com/
tel: 515-206-5658